Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Eve of Departure

'Twas the eve of departure and all through the house,
Every Westlund was frantic in search of a blouse.
The lists were made and checked off with great care,
And the carpet replaced by much underwear.

Hey, everyone!  This is going to be my first real attempt at a travel blog.  Each time I leave the country, I promise I'm going to journal and remember the details about each picture I take.  As far as following through on those intentions, I think I'm currently 0 for 4.  Hopefully the length of this trip and having my laptop will be incentive enough to turn my track record around.

I'm currently working on packing (ever the procrastinator), and I'm actually pleasantly surprising myself.  Anyone who knows me well knows that I'm a notorious over-packer and clotheshorse, so the fact that I was just able to pack all of my clothes into about half of one of my suitcases is a noteworthy accomplishment.  Mom's actually telling me to bring more (words I thought I'd never hear).

I fly out of O'Hare tomorrow afternoon at 4:25 if the weather cooperates and all goes according to plan.  I'll have a layover in Amsterdam for a couple hours then arrive at the Cologne airport around 10:30am.  From there I will take a train to Vallendar and then a cab to my apartment!  Managing two large suitcases, a backpack, and a purse through all of that will be interesting, but I did I test run around my basement (I assure you I didn't look ridiculous at all.) and think it's doable.

Good news for anyone who thinks I'm going to fall off the face of the earth for 5 months (I'm looking at you, grandmas.): I'll still be in contact!  I'll be posting to this blog as much as possible, checking my emails frequently, remaining on social media, and using WhatsApp, Viber, and Skype!  For those of you with smartphones who haven't heard of WhatsApp and Viber, they are free apps that allow you to text/call anyone anywhere through the internet (fo free).  As long as I'm connected to WiFi in my apartment or somewhere else, I'll be able to call/text.  Otherwise my phone is out of commission.

Anyhoo, I can't wait to begin my adventures tomorrow and keep everyone posted for the duration of them.  Happy new year, all!

Contact Info:

Email: kaitlinwestlund@gmail.com
Skype: katiewestlund